Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Operation Boob Evacuation

Lately, I've had tons of surgery related things to coordinate. My surgeons are in Memphis and with the surgery date getting closer, we've needed to start scheduling pre-op doctors appointments, as well as the blood/chest tests to get clearance for the surgery. Thankfully, I can get most of those tests done out here and just see my surgeons a week before operation boob evacuation (B's nickname, not mine). Hopefully, none of the tests will be like last summer's Breast MRI (more on that later).

On top of the doctors appointments, I have really had to start getting my shiz together. I have a color coded task list, packing lists for every member of our little family (why yes, we will be driving 2,079 miles with two cats) and perhaps most importantly, have plans to start teaching B how to do my hair.

Either he'll be able to poof my hair or will have to take on extra work to pay someone to come do it for me. Lord knows my Mom doesn't know a thing about anything that involves hairspray. Let's all say a little prayer to the hair gods that this goes well - and hope B doesn't singe my hair. Things could get real if he does. 

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